Choose the cause. Be the effect.

Do more than make it in NYC. Make it better.

When you get involved with New York Cares, you’re not just “helping out.” You’re making your city more resilient by giving New Yorkers more options for how they work, live, and play.

Homepage various volunteer activities gif
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30K volunteers in 5 boroughs

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fork and knife icon

9.2M New Yorkers fed

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Supported by 100+ sponsors

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Our Programs

Committed to making the biggest city in the country also the most equitable.

Man gives woman a paper bag full of food items

Volunteers & Donors

Drive change in the most driven city.

Corporate Partners

Align your efforts with your ethics.

When you partner with New York Cares, you get access to the resources of the largest non-profit organization in the city. We can scale your impact—and support the communities where your team lives and works.

Team Leaders

Don't just make an effort. Lead one.

We don’t just look to our Team Leaders to drive our city-wide efforts. We look up to them. And, we’re looking for more of them, every day.

☀️ Our Community

Meet our volunteers, change agents, and partners

With its massive reach and impact, New York Cares has set the standard for community service, partnering with more than 400 schools and nonprofits, 150 corporations, and tens of thousands of individuals every year, inspiring organizations across the country.

Woman wearing white t shirt and mask with boxes of food

Cheryl, Team Leader

Manhattan 🌆

I have been involved with New York Cares for several years and have seen firsthand the incredible impact they have on our communities. Their programs are well-organized and effective, and the volunteers are passionate and dedicated.

Two young students working on an assignment

Deborah, Assistant Principal, PS 196K

Brooklyn 🌉

New York Cares is a constant for us, standing by us in good times as well as challenging ones. We had communication with them virtually during the shutdown and they continually assist us in finding solutions when the need arises.

Sky view of Manhattan

Chloe, Volunteer

Manhattan 🌆

It's an honor, privilege, and a life-changing experience to give back to a city who gives us so much in return.


Kai, Team Leader

Brooklyn 🌉

New York Cares has given me the opportunity to broaden my horizons by serving others.

Close up of student doing homework

Maanya, Volunteer

Queens 🌳

Volunteering is really rewarding. As somebody who is from the New York City public school system, it feels great to give back to the community that gave me so much and made me the person I am today.


Akeem, Team Leader

Queens 🌳

Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment.-