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Explore volunteer opportunities across education, food prep, sports, senior support, sustainability, and more. Create an account, complete a short on-demand digital orientation, and start volunteering. It's that easy!

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A woman with a clipboard speaks to two volunteers in a school hallway


Drive change in the most driven city

Discover possibilities that make a difference and support people in the city you love. Whether you’re an aspiring chef, animal lover, climate activist, or amateur photographer – with hundreds of opportunities posted every day, we’ve got a project for you.

Tutor students 📚

Organize food and other donations 🍲

Garden and compost 🌱

Offer career prep and resource planning 💼

Access youth-friendly projects 🙌

Questions about signing up? Visit our Help Center to learn more.

A man in a red jacket passes a box of food supplies to another man at a sidewalk food pantry

Every hour of your time helps make our city more equitable.

When you volunteer with New York Cares, you’re not just “helping out.” You help make your city more resilient by giving more New Yorkers options for how they work, live, and play. Greater equity means more options, and every hour of your time goes a long way.

A teenage girl in a red New York Cares shirt applies face paint to a child's face
Two women in hairnets hug and smile
An older woman with a cane gives a high five to someone else who is out of frame
Man holding paint brush and red paint painting railing

New York City is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. So, yes, representation matters. A lot.

We see and celebrate diversity in all its forms. Representation reflects the community—and yields a far more positive impact. We gather ideas and insights from a wide range of individuals and community partners with different backgrounds and perspectives to find the best solutions to pressing community needs.

☀️ Our Community

Meet our volunteers

Every day, thousands of New Yorkers show up for the causes and organizations they believe in. Learn more about what inspires them to serve, and how you can join the ranks.

Headshot of Andrew

Diane, Volunteer

Queens 🌳

I decided when I’m no longer working I’m going to volunteer, it’s so rewarding.

Closeup shot of New York Cares logo on volunteer vest

Debbie, Volunteer

Bronx 🦁

Delivering meals to the homebound - wow- the smiles on their faces, that was the best thing that I could ever experience.

Sky view of Manhattan

Ruben, Volunteer

Manhattan 🌆

After being homeless, service has been at the forefront of what I want my new life to be about. Volunteering with New York Cares has made that easy and genuinely fulfilling.

Closeup shot of New York Cares logo on volunteer vest

Chloe, Volunteer

Manhattan 🌆

I have been involved with New York Cares for several years and have seen firsthand the incredible impact they have on our communities. Their programs are well-organized and effective, and the volunteers are passionate and dedicated.

Close up shot of Queens Blvd street sign

Karma, Volunteer

Queens 🌳

We can make our community and New York a better place to live.

Brooklyn Bridge image

Rudy, Volunteer

Manhattan 🌆

I am not from here, but was immediately welcomed into the family of helping others.